Boxing and the Youth Olympic Games


  • Cesar R. Torres The College at Brockport, State University of New York (USA)
  • Jim Parry Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic)


Youth Olympic Games, boxing, Olympism, ethics


Boxing has been featured in the Competitive Program of the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) since the event was inaugurated in Singapore in 2010. This paper examines whether boxing is a suitable sport to advance the professed goals of the YOG. It concludes that it is not, and that it should be removed from the YOG’s Competitive Program. One line of argument focuses on the questionable impact of boxing on the health of young athletes. In this regard, issues of autonomy, consent, and paternalism are discussed in relation to the health of these athletes. A second line of argument focuses on the central purpose of boxing and its relation to Olympism. The paper suggests that, in light of the sport’s moral failings, the discontinuation of boxing would better align the YOG with the values of Olympism.

Author Biographies

Cesar R. Torres, The College at Brockport, State University of New York (USA)

Cesar R. Torres, PhD, is a professor at The College at Brockport, State University of New York. He is a fellow in the National Academy of Kinesiology and a former president of the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport (IAPS). He has been awarded

Jim Parry, Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic)

Prof Dr Jim Parry is former Head of the Department of Philosophy and of the School of Humanities, University of Leeds, and is now Professor at the Faculty of PE and Sport, Charles University, Prague. He is former chair, British Philosophy of Sport Association, former Chair British Universities Physical Education Association, and Founding Director, British Olympic Academy.





